Singles League Information, Standings & Results

Maple Ridge Tennis Club Singles League (males and females) – open to members only June 8 to September 3, 2018.

This year’s club championship will be determined by a round-robin league with a playoff. The format for the round-robin and playoff will be determined by the total number of players and skill levels entered. Players are required to arrange their own matches with their opponents. Please only enter if you are prepared to make an effort to get matches arranged and completed by 11:00pm on September 3, 2018. If you are going to be unable to complete all of your matches, do not enter.

Any matches that are being difficult to schedule and complete, please notify the tournament committee so that they can be reviewed by August 20, 2018. The committee reserves the right to issue a forfeit and suspend players from future tournaments for unjustified delays.

Deadline for entry 12:00 midnight, Wednesday, June 6, 2018.

4.0+ Standings

Player W L Sets W Sets L Games W Games L
Cary 5 0 10 2 66 31
Tony 3 1 7 2 46 34
Juraj 2 1 4 3 36 31
Alex 2 3 4 7 48 61
Darian 1 4 4 8 53 72
John 0 4 0 8 33 52

2.0 – 3.5 Standings

Player W L Sets W Sets L Games W Games L
Chris 2 0 4 0 24 9
Dave 2 2 4 4 35 32
Nathan 1 0 2 0 12 7
Shaun 0 1 0 2 5 12
Ryan 0 1 0 2 4 12

4.0+ Match Results

Sets 1 2 3
Tony 6 6
Darian 2 2
Sets 1 2 3
Tony 1 6  1
Cary 6 3  6
Sets 1 2 3
Alex 6 6  7
Darian 4 7  6
Sets 1 2 3
Cary 6 6
John 4 1
Sets 1 2 3
Tony 6 6
Alex 2 2
Sets 1 2 3
John 3 5
Alex 6 7
Sets 1 2 3
John 5 6
Tony 7 7 (2)
Sets 1 2 3
Cary 6 3  6
Darian 1 6  0
Sets 1 2 3
Cary 6 6
Alex 3 2
Sets 1 2 3
Juraj 7 6
Alex 5 2
Sets 1 2 3
Juraj 6 5  6
Darian 1 7  4
Sets 1 2 3
John 3 6
Darian 6 7 (2)
Sets 1 2 3
Juraj 3 3
Cary 6 6

2.0 – 3.5 Match Results

Sets 1 2 3
Chris 6 6
Dave 3 2
Sets 1 2 3
Dave 6 5
Charlie (ret.) 1 2
Sets 1 2 3
Chris 6 6
Ryan 3 1
Sets 1 2 3
Dave 6 6
Shaun 1 4
Sets 1 2 3
Dave 3 4
Nathan 6 6